Sunday, 6 October 2013

Fun Palaces

So I'm off today to the Theatre Royal Stratford East to discuss Fun Palaces. But what is a Fun Palace, I hear you ask. Well ... here is what the organisers say:

What is a Fun Palace? 
Based on Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price’s 1961 idea, it is a welcoming, inclusive space sharing arts, sciences and learning. It’s fun. It might have music, theatre, lectures, dance, tutorials, playing, sitting down, lying back – whatever you want. It is created with and for local people, for all ages. It is free, with public engagement at its heart. It can happen in a village square, a theatre foyer, a museum corridor, a school canteen, it might take over an entire venue or a street, it might be a small tent in a field. Every Fun Palace will be as unique as the people making it and its locale.
More about Fun Palaces :

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

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