Monday, 16 June 2008

Malawi Arts Festival

With the final performance of the Bilimankhwe Young Company's NT Connections show, A Vampire Story, finally over (it went very well, with a good audience at the Arcola Theatre) I'm now getting on with sorting out the Malawi Arts Festival ... MAF2009 is only 10 months away.

We now have a website, and are in the throes of putting a schedule together. Details will be posted here as soon as ... but if everything works, it's going to be quite an exiting week of arts events in Malawi.


angela said...

kate,am really impressed with whatever you are doing.More especially that u are promoting theatre in malawi as well.I would like to hear more from you.Am now in Nottingham.Lady Macbeth.ANGELLA

Anonymous said...

hi kate, i don't know whether you remember me. i'm gudula and i was a stage manager at hifa when you took your african macbeth there. we talked for quite a while but anyway... i'm now based in malawi (for the last two years), teaching drama at saint andrew's and we are trying to find out about MAF. is it happening? when?? it would be so great if it could work out and we would be very interested in watching and who knows, perhaps participating!!! lots of greetings from malawi, gudula (