Wednesday, 16 May 2007

old friends & colleagues

Had a surprise today - an email from Pam Brooke, who I first worked for in Malawi. She was the brains and inspiration behind Story Workshop, Malawi's only Education Media NGO. It was through Story Workshop that I made contact with the wonderful Adam Stapleton of Penal Reform International, which in turn sparked the development of Nanzikambe's Active Learning programme, now exported all over the world via PRI's paralegal training programme. It's amazing how one woman's generosity in passing the project over to me in the first place can start something which is helping to reduce the prison populations in developing countries all over the world.

It was lovely to hear from Pam, who having cut the umbilical cord to Story Workshop, is living in Washington DC and advising on radio soap operas in several African countries. It was another reminder of how Africa gets under your skin and into your blood, however hard you try to leave.

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